Installing more than one program to constantly scan and monitor your PC for viruses and other security threats can create problems, because the two applications will likely interfere with each other’s work. Clashing antivirus programs can cause the computer to behave erratically and run more slowly as the applications battle for system resources.

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An Old Scam Gains More Traction…

For over a year, hackers have been running a scam offering refunds for companies that were “going out of business”.  In reality, none of these companies were really shutting down.  Instead, hackers were using this as an excuse to gain the personal banking information of victims, so they could “process” the refund.

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Most people don’t think twice about using their favorite app or clicking on a link in an email, on facebook, twitter or even providing personal information when filling in online forms. But all of these activities can become Cyber security threats. Most users just don’t think about it and believe that nothing is ever going to happen to them. Unfortunately, we couldn’t be more wrong.

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Cyber security is a growing topic, whether it is at home with friends or family, or at work with the boss or colleagues. Online threats have continued to advance year-over-year with cyber crime costs consistently increasing. With the growing risks, it is important small and medium businesses (SMBs) understand the key steps they need to take to boost their cyber security, keeping their data and devices secure.

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Security Best Practices — Are You Implementing Them?

Chances are you’ve done it.  You left your computer unlocked while you ran to the breakroom, or perhaps kept important documents exposed on your desk while you head out to lunch.  This isn’t exactly uncommon, but it is a terrible habit to get into.

But wait — it gets worse!

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