Your IT Guardian is here to assist with all your ServiceM8 questions. Whether it’s about its features, optimising its use, finding workarounds, creating forms or tailoring it to best suit your business needs, we’re here to help.

Why Choose Us

We are Certified Partners and have been using ServiceM8 since 2016 in our own business. Over the years, we’ve seen its powerful benefits across a wide range of industries. From gardeners to automated door repair companies, we’ve witnessed how ServiceM8 helps businesses streamline their operations and improve efficiency.

Can We Help You?

Whether it’s assisting with setup, training, job templates, assets, or form development, our goal is to work closely with you to enhance your business productivity and streamline your processes.

If you have a technical issue, we are happy to see if we can resolve it, however it may need to be referred directly to the ServiceM8 support team.

What are our Costs?

Regardless of the services you’d like us to provide, the initial discovery meeting is free. We’ll arrange a meeting time and location that works best for you and your team.

If you decide to move forward after the meeting, we will provide a detailed quote covering all the requirements we’ve discussed.

What to have a Chat?

If you’d like to get started and discuss your ServiceM8 needs, please contact us using the button below or give us a call

Form Samples


This form accommodates up to 15 Plant equipment for a Pre-Start Checklist and can be customised to work with your business. The form has built in question so if you only need to conduct 1 Pre-Start Checklist, then only 1 will be displayed on your completed form.